Woonsocket, RI – The 2022 Autumnfest Steering Committee was thrilled to learn that the Woonsocklet City Council allocated $150,000.00 for the building of a new permanent stage at World War II Veterans Memorial Park. The current stage was built more than 40 years ago mostly out of wood and through the years of use was now in need of repairs.

The $150,000.00 funds come from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The money was approved at the November15, 2021 Woonsocket City Council meeting by a unanimous vote.

Autumnfest Steering Committee would like to say thank you to the Woonsocket City Council for setting aside this money from the ARPA funds. We also say thank you to Dan Peloquin of DP Architects who designed the preliminary plans for the new stage.

“I am extremely thrilled to hear of this news and I want to thank the Woonsocket City Council for approving this money for a new entertainment stage,” said Judy Sullivan, Autumnfest General Chairperson. Sullivan also said, “Having a new stage is a great move forward for the City of Woonsocket and Autumnfest. World War II Veterans Memorial Park is a beautiful park and having this new entertainment stage which can be used year-round is a wonderful finishing touch.”

“Our current stage at World War II Veterans Memorial Park has provided Woonsocket with a superb outdoor performance platform over the years that has become deeply rooted in our community and local culture. Now that we have ARPA money, I along with the City Council see upgrading it, and making it an even more dynamic setting, to be a great use of these funds,” said Mayor Lisa Baldelli-Hunt. The Mayor added, “Our enhanced stage will give us a more vibrant year-round venue for concerts, school and local theater group plays, special programs, and movies in the park, and will increase neighborhood involvement and strengthen civic pride.”

“I was happy to support the funding of the new stage upgrades at World War II Veterans Memorial Park,” said Dan Gendron, Woonsocket City Council President. He went on to say, “Not only will this benefit Autumnfest but it will benefit the citizens of Woonsocket and other organizations that wish to use the stage year-round.”

Autumnfest Entertainment Coordinator, Steve Laramee said, “This is a wonderful thing for Autumnfest. I want to personally thank the Woonsocket City Council for what they have done not only for Autumnfest but for the residents of Woonsocket who enjoy the entertainment every year. With the new stage, the presentation of the acts to the crowds will be much better and with a stable, even stage the acts will be safer too.”


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